Ubuntu on the Dell Mini 10

So I was thinking about laptops the other day.

I go to lots of conferences and sprints for work and the laptop I usually have is a MacBook Pro. Its a nice laptop, its great for doing work on and its my main workstation when home. However, its a bitch to lug around on airplanes and can run a bit hot on my lap when I’m using it at conferences.

This week in Ottawa, there is a lot of boxing day sales, so I ran out with Liam and got a Dell Mini 10 netbook with those Intel Atom processors. When I got home and finally put liam to bed. I cracked open the box and put Ubuntu on it.

So far so good, the sound works, the network works, and everything works. However the keyboard is a bit small from what I use to but it is a netbook.

December 27, 2009. Uncategorized. 5 comments.

Merry Christmas!

Just wanting to wish everyone a merry Christmas!

You might remember I had this an old blog at here but I havent updated it in like more than 2 years so decided to junk it and start fresh with a new blog. This one to be more exact. So what have I been doing with myself the past 2 years? Well lets see, had a kid, got laid off old job, started new job. Did a lot of great things, did a lot of interesting things. And met a lot of interesting people. I hope to get to write more in this blog in the future.

December 24, 2009. Uncategorized. 2 comments.